
Friday, March 9, 2012

Great Morning of Bird Banding

I spent the morning out at Prairie Ridge Ecostation assisting a group of dedicated volunteers band birds.  Bird banding done to identify and track individual birds.  Birds are captured through the use of mist nets (very fine black rectangular mesh nets about 2.5 x 9 meters).  The nets are strung between two vertical poles placed in areas one wishes to survey the bird population.  The birds are carefully removed from the nets and placed in collection bags, which calms them, to reduce stress.  The captured birds are brought to a assessment station where they are given a numbered band which is placed like a cuff loosely around their leg.  The species, and band number are recorded along with weight, wing length, fat content, gender (if it can be determined), molting status, etc.  the birds are then released back into the wild.  All of the data is later entered into a computer database and uploaded to a national database.  around 10% of the time, the birds captured will already have a band.  The individual is weighed and measured as usual and its band ID number is recorded.  Researchers around the country then can comb through this ever growing database to determine migration patterns of different populations as well as overall health of a given population.  I'm lucky enough to have the opportunity to work with this dedicated group of volunteers working to improve our understanding of our environment and the birds that live in it.

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